How AI Is Improving My Productivity

[Image generated with Dall-E]

Every day, I write numerous emails and articles. I rely heavily on AI to produce a high volume of quality content every day. The main AI tools I use are ChatGPT for research and software development and for knowledge management.


Content Creation

I never use ChatGPT to write my articles, I use ChatGPT to research and determine what topics I should include in an article. For example, I recently wrote an article and used this ChatGPT prompt in my research: “I am writing an article on the importance of rents outpacing inflation. Based on searches, what topics should I include?”

Also, ChatGPT enables me to quickly drill down on subjects to a depth that I would not have the time to do on my own.

Image Generation

Another use of ChatGPT is to generate a topic-specific cover image for my articles, like the image at the top of this article.

Software Development

We are engineers who use data science for selecting and validating investment properties. I write a lot of code to perform various analytics automation. ChatGPT saves me hours by generating the basic code that I need. For example:

And here’s what ChatGPT provided:

I made small changes to the code, but it was >90% correct. It took me 15-20 minutes to complete the task, vs. hours in the past.

Most of the questions I answer and articles I write contain content I have written in the past. For example, I wrote an article about selecting properties to target a specific tenant segment. Part of my answer included text on what I call a property profile. Because of my knowledge management system, I could quickly retrieve the following text instead of rewriting it.

A property profile has at least four elements.

  • *Location - The locations where significant percentages of the target segment are renting today.*
  • *Property type - The type of properties they rent today. Condo, high rise, multi-family, single family, the type does not matter. Only a reliable tenant matters.*
  • *Rent range - What the segment is willing and able to pay.*
  • *Configuration - Two bedrooms, three-car garage, large back yard, single-story, two stories?*

The knowledge management system has not only increased the amount of content I can produce but has also improved its quality and consistency.

One of the challenges I had in setting up a knowledge management system was selecting the software that meets my needs. The problem with almost all the software was that while they provided a good content capture ability, content retrieval was a different situation. Almost all required me to manually tag or link content to relate or retrieve content. I wanted software that would use AI to retrieve related content without requiring tags or links. After a good bit of research and experimentation, I settled on So far, this software has performed to my expectations.


AI has become an integral part of my daily work, whether writing articles, emails, or software. It doesn't replace my work, but rather, it amplifies my efforts.

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